
See what God can do through your generosity.


We're compelled by the example of Jesus to be a generous type of people. Generous with our time, our attention, and even our money. Within our church family it's our vision to share enough so that everyone has everything they need. In addition to that, we are invested in supplying needs in our community, country, and beyond!

Giving to each other and to our church is also a way of holding whatever we own with open hands and acknowledging that everything that's created comes from the Creator, and everything we have is a gift from the Giver.

If you believe in what we're doing at Believers and want to invest in our work, here's how to do that!


You can invest in the work we're engaged with at Believers in two ways.

During the worship portion of our Sunday service, you can put your gift in an envelope found in the back of each seat and place it in the tithing boxes at the back of the church.

You can also give online at anytime through our website! This is a convenient way to give to our work, and you can even setup scheduled gifts to repeat whenever you'd like.

Manage your online giving at

Learn how easy it is to give online with RebelGive.

Other Ways To Give

Mail a gift

Attn: Finance

The Believers Church

7905 Smyrna Pkwy

Louisville, Ky 40228

“A tithe [tenth] of everything...belongs to the Lord; it is the holy to the Lord.” — Leviticus 27:30

Thank you for considering to give to The Believers Church. We consider money that is contributed to our church a sacred trust. It is to be handled reverently in the fear of God and with the utmost integrity. Because of this, we take great care in managing contributions given by the members of Believers Church, as we practice financial sincerity and good stewardship.