Our Leadership

Say hello to the leadership team at Believers Church

Meet Our Leadership

Say hello to the leadership team at Believers Church. Got questions for the lead team at Believers? Contact us by clicking here.

Pastoral Leadership Team

We are guided by pastors.

The Pastoral Staff is led by the Lead Pastor. This team oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church. The Pastoral Staff serve the congregation and are responsible for the development of the spiritual life of the church. The Pastoral Staff serve as Core Leaders.

Randy and Renee Hollis, Lead Pastors
Jaron Hollis, Associate Pastor
Haley Hollis, Executive Pastor

Believers Staff

Jaron Hollis, Associate Pastor
Haley Hollis, Executive Pastor
Ella Mitchell, Pastoral Team Assistant
David Briscoe, Believers Staff

Core Leaders

Carey Mattingly, Believers Cafe
Chandra Sank & Haley Hollis, Believers Kids
Jennifer Garcia & Haley Hollis, Bilingual Team
Kari Stansberry, Events
Heather Mitchell, Greeting
Mike Stansberry, Next Steps
Gary and Kim Riggs, Outreach
Gaius and Cheryl Snyder, Prayer
David Briscoe, Production
Erick Hall, Security & Parking
Steve Mitchell & Anthony Spencer, Students
Lisa and Richard Goodwin, Worship Team


We are protected by trustees.

The Trustees are four members of the congregation appointed by the Lead Pastor and ratified by the current trustees to oversee the finances and direct the provision of the facilities needed by the church. They provide counsel to the Lead Pastor regarding the major financial commitments of the church. The Trustees serve a two year term.

Richard Simpson & Erik Hall, JUNIOR BOARD MEMBERS



We are strengthened by overseers.

The Overseers are three ministers with respected ministries who love Believers Church and its Lead Pastor and are willing to provide spiritual protection to the church. They may be called upon to help in accountability matters relating to the Lead Pastor if requested by the Pastoral Staff or Trustees. 

Randy Sholund, Overseer
Jonathan Suber, Overseer
Dr. Al Gossan Jr., D. Lit., Overseer